Nutrition Based on Science

Nutrition is an important aspect of healing from injuries as well as managing inflammation and pain which is often overlooked in cases of injury.

Dr. T. Jimmy Kazandjian chiropractor and acupuncturist in Burbank CA often includes nutritional recommendations as a vital part of treatment and care for injuries.  Proper nutrition and lifestyle help the body become very efficient in healing muscle and joint injuries as well as contribute to overall well-being. 

Looking at the list below please note that 1. This is not a complete list, and 2. Dosage and combinations are critical in obtaining maximum results.

Dietary Changes

Taking advantage of the latest research in nutritional science provides our patients significant benefits in speeding recovery.  Dr. Kazandjian will make dietary recommendations to promote elimination of inflammation and pain.  In certain and more complex cases, Dr. K will order blood tests or refer patients to a nutritionist or dietitian for more specialized care.

Vitamins and Supplements

At Sol Spine and Injury, our doctor regularly prescribes supplements which enhance the efficacy of the treatment provided and enhance the body’s natural healing capabilities.  Some of the supplements Dr. Kazandjian prescribes are listed; please note the list below is not a complete list as there are many options and combinations.  It is also very important to understand that the above listed supplements are most effective in the proper doses and often in combination with other supplements or certain lifestyle changes.  Please make sure to consult with Dr. Kazandjian prior to taking any supplements to ensure maximum benefit is obtained as some of these supplements can get pricey.

  • Vitamins such as Vitamin B, C, D, etc…
  • Supplements or extracts such as Turmeric, Arnica, etc…
  • CBD supplements which can be in tincture form, capsule form, or Topical (cream application)
  • Topical analgesics such as Bio-Freeze
  • And much more

Chinese Herbal Medications

Chinese herbal medications and supplements are also part of certain patients’ treatment protocol as Dr. Kazandjian is formally trained and licensed in the State of California.  From management of pain and inflammation to helping with sleep, anxiety, and symptoms of concussions, and many others, Chinese medications and supplements have a track records of thousands of years of efficacy and safety.  In the right setting and case, they provide significant benefit and improvement.

Covid-19 Precautions

In this post COVID-19 world, it is crucial to constantly work towards improving the quality of our patient care as well as continuously updating and improving safety protocols to exceed our patients’ expectations of recovery in a safe environment.